Well, I went out for sunset last night (and sunrise this morning). Got some reasonable photos, although the light was pretty ordinary. Had pizza and a glass of wine for dinner, and went to bed. I’m out of here soon, and planning to get back down off the plateau and into better weather, and then stop and take it easy for a day or so. I’m doing fine with getting back to LA in time for my flight, and need to slow down and get some spoons back. But it’s been spectacular!

(Later) OK, that didn’t quite go according to plan. I was heading out of the park when the sun started to break through the clouds, so I turned around and headed back to the rim. Another couple of hours, lots more photos (much better with better light), then in the early afternoon down to a little town called Seligman, where I stayed at the Stagecoach Inn – which the owner apologetically explained hadn’t been renovated since the 1950s. They laughed at me when I told them I needed a room with internet, but that a shower was a much lower priority. So I got internet, a bed, an original ’50s pink bathroom, and a heater that kept me warm after some coaxing from the owner, for the princely sum of $45. What more does a body need?