I got to have a good sleep in this morning 🙂 Once I was up and around (at almost lunch time!) I headed off to San Diego Zoo, which I hadn’t got to on my last visit and had been keen to see.
It was a lot of fun, but even steeper than Taronga Zoo in Sydney (which is saying something). Their paths are divided into “wheelchair accessible” and not, but somehow I managed to get off the accessible paths so getting back up to the zoo gates proved to be a challenge for poor Bertha. She’s got quite a bit of power, but steep slopes, with me on board, just wasn’t going to work. So there were a number of sections where I had to hop off, walk her up the next steep bit, and then get back on again. No matter, I still had a good time, and managed to see a bunch of animals, including the pandas (only the backs of their heads, they weren’t in a particularly outgoing mood).
Bryan and I were heading out to go and see Avatar tonight (since I hadn’t seen it yet and he was keen to see it again), so after the zoo I headed out to Mira Mesa and hung out in the bookshop until he’d finished at work. Several books later I emerged (I should have known it’d be dangerous!), and went to buy an aux audio cable for the car so I can listen to music while I’m driving this next week. I struck out on a charger, though – it’ll be interesting to see how long the phone lasts playing music without being able to recharge.