First up this morning we bought some munchies, in an attempt to at least make sure lack of food doesn’t make me keel over, even if exhaustion does! Trailmix (nuts, seeds and sultanas) together with the 56oz (1.5kg) bag of M&Ms that Scott bought in Annapolis, and some long life chocolate milk should hopefully keep me going. At home I’m pretty good at matching the food intake to the energy output – not so much here. I’m a LOT more active than usual, and it seems to be throwing my blood sugar levels out of kilter very easily. Surprising, given how stable they’ve been since I’ve been taking the Mg, but I guess my body’s making good use of the fuel I’m giving it!
We then headed to the Ansel Adams gallery – I bought a print of this and Bryan bought a more classic view of the valley (having been to his place since I can see why he chose it, apart from the obvious of it being a beautiful photo – it’ll fit in well with all his other black and white prints), and we wandered through the visitor center before going back outside and being wowed by all the scenery. Yosemite is much busier than Sequoia, and this is the quiet season! I doubt I’d enjoy it as much in the summer, even though more parts are accessible (many roads are closed by snow right now), it must be an absolute zoo when the weather is a little warmer.
There are many very tame deer here – and they look like kangaroos! Every now and again I do a double take because they seem to be built all wrong in the back, while their faces are very familiar. The exact opposite reaction to what the early explorers of Australia must have thought.
Today we were determined to leave the car behind as much as possible, so both of us get a chance to have a good look around – no fair me hogging all the good views while Bryan drives! But after I overdid it yesterday, Bryan suggested we play it safe and we unpacked Bertha, who’s been riding in the back of Bryan’s truck (ute for the Aussies).
We walked and wheeled on a boardwalk through a meadow right in the middle of the valley (lots of great views and photos, of course) and then along the path to lower Yosemite falls. It was fantastic, beautiful, and very peaceful going through the sequoia woods, past the streams consisting of water that had only just come down from freshly melted snow at the top of the cliffs – and then you suddenly come out at the bottom of the cliff right by the waterfall itself – noisy and spectacular, a huge contrast.
Bertha just about made the distance, but her battery conked out just as I got out of the woods. Bryan kindly walked back and got the car and came back to fetch me – it would have been a long walk back having to wheel her instead of her wheeling me!
Look up from wherever you are in Yosemite and there are endless gorgeous cliffs, trees and waterfalls. We were both totally overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty of the place, everywhere you look there’s another gorgeous scene to be gawped at (or photographed).
It got ridiculous – I’d be taking photos and Bryan’d tap me on the shoulder and point in another direction – with yet more stupendous views. It was never-ending. We’ve both got a very similar eye for what makes a good photo, and ended up taking many almost identical photos. Bryan, I think those I’ve posted here are mine, but I know you took some photos with my camera, so if I’m claiming ownership of any of yours, I’m sorry!
I could happily spend the rest of my life there, taking photos every day – I can see why so many photographers have chosen to do so.
We went back up to tunnel view at the entrance to the valley tonight, to try to catch the sunset a bit earlier than we managed yesterday. It wasn’t a great sunset, but there were a few minutes of nice late sun on El Capitan. I’m hoping some of the photos will print up well when I get home – we’ll have to wait and see, but I suspect the living room will be plastered with photos of Yosemite in the near future!
Thanks to Bryan’s insistence on Bertha I actually managed to stay conscious into the evening, so we went out to have some dinner (and wine, of course!) in the local bar. Great company, a good meal and a good glass of wine – a fantastic way to end a great day!
Here’s a few photos: