Scott and I were up and out early again to go to the Museum of Modern Art to see an exhibition of Tim Burton’s works ( Tim Burton created Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd and a bunch of other movies, often working with Johnny Depp. Scott’s been a fan for a long time, and we both really enjoyed it. Burton has a really amazing imagination! We then stocked up on some books from the exhibition, as well as some photo books of New York. That made me feel a little better about not really being able to take any of my own photos – it’s just too cold, and I don’t have enough spoons. I also bought a great book of Ansel Adams’ photos in preparation for my visit to Yosemite National Park next week.
Laden down with books we got in yet another taxi, went back to the apartment and collected Alex (and dropped off all the books!). We’d noticed signs plastered all over our neighbourhood that Law and Order SVU was filming, so we went and had a sticky beak. Not much to see, it seemed like they were packing up. Scott thought we’d seen one of the stars earlier, so we’ll have to watch out for familiar streets in future episodes.

We then caught yet another taxi to the Lower East side, and had lunch in Katz’s deli – a kosher deli dating from 1888, which appears to not have been altered since about 1950. It’s where the “I’ll have what she’s having” scene from When Harry Met Sally was filmed. They have a name for having huge sandwiches. The meat was fantastic (we had one pastrami and one roast beef, both delicious) but the sandwiches overall were a little underwhelming. It was getting colder and colder, but Scott wanted to go to another menswear store in the area, and I wanted to have a look around. However Scott’s store had shut down (a victim of the economy, I’m guessing) and it was FREEZING cold, so we got yet another cab to the Staten Island Ferry, and the boys are getting better and better at folding and unfolding Bertha the wheelchair, and getting her in and out of the taxis. Most taxi drivers are quick to get out of the taxi, and happy to help.
The ferry trip was great. Beautiful light, great views, we rode past the statue of liberty and back. Alex and I had a great time taking lots of photos, although we were very nearly blown off the back of the ferry. The view of the city from there at almost sunset was just fantastic. However, the camera didn’t like it so much, and we AGAIN lost all the photos on the memory card because it just got too cold. I’m hoping I can retrieve them – it says there are no files on it, but there’s 5GB of space unaccounted for.
We packed a lot into today because we’re going to Annapolis a day early. They’re forecasting another snowstorm, which is expected to pretty much close both New York and Annapolis.
But there’s one more thing which we have to do before we leave New York – having a rib dinner at a jazz club. I thought I could lure the boys in with the ribs, but they were really keen about the jazz, too. We had a great night out – small little club in a cellar a couple of blocks from our apartment. Good food, good music, great atmosphere. What more could you want?